Announcing the launch of our new logo and website
Open Web Docs is pleased to announce the launch of a new website, a new logo, and Carle, the new Open Web Docs mascot.
Steering committee member and Black Girls Tech founder, Lola Odelola, led the OWD rebranding efforts. She coordinated the development of the new OWD mascot and logo and built the new website.
Carle, pronounced kahr-lee, the OWD mascot, was designed by Vladimir Grigoriev, a design lead at JetBrains. Carle is a bookworm! She’s named after the beloved children’s book author, Eric Carle. Carle personifies the OWD brand and is super memorable.
"I definitely love the new logo. It makes me happy every time I see it, and it perfectly reflects the marketing tone we started defining a year ago of fun, inclusion, accuracy, kindness, and goofiness. Hats off to Lola and Vladimir, and a huge thank you to JetBrains as well!" remarked Estelle Weyl, OWD staff writer.
While Carle is usually smiling, she has five other facial reactions, enabling using slightly modified logos with different moods for different purposes. Her main color is a fantastic purple orchid, #B448FF.

Using the new logo, the OpenCollective OWD site, and the purple orchid color as a starting point, Lola built OWD a new site in 11ty, creating a site with both light and dark themes. Lola claims not to be a designer. We beg to differ. Her two themes are fantastic. The light theme has a lot of white space, is simple and friendly, and is easy to navigate. The dark theme is too. But, unlike many dark site versions, the colors aren’t inverted. Rather, the dark theme uses several gorgeous shades of purple.
After a year of discussing a rebrand, we are so thankful to Lola and Vladimir for their hard work and dedication. We are delighted to officially announce the launch. The new site is available at the same URL as before: Like everything OWD, the site is open source and available on Github.
The new website provides our visitors with clear, easy way to learn about Open Web Docs, who we are, what we do, and who funds us. You can learn about what we’ve accomplished and how you can get involved, including sponsoring us and becoming a member. We have a page about our open source maintainers and steering and governing committees and a page highlighting our sponsors and funders. The new website also includes OWD's accomplishments for the past year and a blog with more details about many of our projects.
We will continue to update our site with helpful information, articles, announcements, and project successes in the blog section.
We would like to thank Lola and Vladimir who gave their time, energy, and talents to make this site and our branding what it is.
For any questions, suggestions, feedback, or comments, please send us questions via the Open Collective contact form, love on Twitter, website feedback via GitHub or content ideas via our project proposal form.